Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Sixth Part

Brett felt out of place. Something was different. As the foggy haze of sleep struggled to hold him, consciousness of the wrongness he felt won out. Brett struggled to open his eyes. The harsh morning rays beat against his eyelids, as if to force him to lie still. Pain. Yes, that was it. He felt like he was bruised all over. His leg throbbed and he wondered why. His eyes finally opened to squinting slits. The ceiling looked wrong, it was tiled. And the smell. It smelled like old people and chemicals. He slowly looked around realized that he was in the hospital. At once fuzzy images flooded his awareness. They were all so fragmented, he had a hard time putting the jumble into order. The loud snap of his leg cracking stood out among them. How had that happened? He saw blurred stars overhead and smelled pine. He was cold and hot at the same time. His leg felt like it was on fire but he couldn't feel his hands and feet. Teeth, terrible sharp teeth gleaming in the darkness. And growling.

"Brett! You're awake! What do you remember?" Kenneth said from the chair by Brett's bed.

"I don... water." Brett choked out of his dry mouth.

"Oh, here." Kenneth put a straw to his lips. The water tasted stale. This couldn't be Evian. Brett only drank Evian bottled water. Blech! I can taste the fluoride in it! If I wanted fluoride, I'd make out with a dental hygienist...

What? Brett's brain asked.

Never mind.

I think you have a concussion.

Brett determined to ignore his brain.

"So dude, how are you feeling?" Kenneth asked.

"Unnh." Brett groaned.

"Some camping trip huh?" Kenneth said.

"Camping?" Brett croaked?

"Yeah," Kenneth said nervously, "I knew we shouldn't have gone hiking in bear country." Kenneth coughed uncomfortably. "Well, the doctor says you're fine. Your leg is set nice and they used some new bone adhesive stuff to help you heal quick."

"Hurts to breathe."

"Well, you've got some good bruises but none of your ribs are cracked. You're gonna be okay. He says we can check you out today, and you get drugs!"


"Just press the button right there. It's on tap homie. I'll go get you checked out.

"Thanks Florence." Brett said.

"Huh huh," Kenneth chortled "you better not fall in love with me!"

"Pshh. Yeah, no, no. I was just kidding. Pshh." Brett said hurriedly as sweat beaded on his forehead and his mouth dried out again.

Brett could feel the drugs start to work and he closed his eyes, concentrating on the chemical fuzz. He tried to let the fuzzy warmth cover all his sharp and confusing memories.


Hours later, Brett was at home, propped up in bed so he could watch Judge Judy.

"Kenneth! I need more ice water!"

Brett thought he could hear faint growling from the kitchen.

"Nurse maid to the man child." Kenneth grumbled. "I'm a werewolf. I eat people. Geez."

The growl Brett thought he heard from the kitchen made Brett's heart start to race. He was suddenly filled with terror and didn't know quite why. Kenneth walked into the room but paused a beat when he saw Brett's face.

"You look cold man, your face is all pasty. I mean, more than normal. You weren't bit by a vampire were you? Ha, as if. I think you've had enough ice though. Let me get you a blanket."

"No, I'm okay, I just... Never mind." Brett said as he shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Kenneth asked tentatively.

"I think it's just the stress from the attack, I just need to sleep."

"Okay... Well, do you want me to tuck you in?"

"That would be nice."

As Kenneth wondered why he had offered to do the tuck in, the doorbell rang. Visibly relieved, Kenneth moved to the front door a little too quickly. Brett frowned.

Oh phooey.

Fine piece of man! Brett's brain said, like a black woman with attitude.

Brett could hear Kenneth open the door. "Oh, hey... Uh, Ben right? Yeah, he was just about to take a nap, come on in."

Brett could hear Ben's heavy footsteps coming down the hall.

"Hi Brett! How are you?"

"Fair to midland!" Brett said, sounding evermore like a survivor of the great depression.

"What does that mean?" Ben said with a puzzled look on his face.

Ignoring the question, Brett said, "What have you got there?"

Ben double taked and then looked at the rectangular gift wrapped package he held.

"Oh, it's a present I got for you! I heard about the attack of the demon and all."

Attack of the demon! Don't say anything. Just smile and nod like you know what he's talking about.

"You didn't have to do that." Brett said as he tore into the wrapping paper. "Oh, Phenomenon. I always heard that was good."

"Oh, it is!" Ben gushed. "Did you know John Travolta is a member of the Unifiers?"

"No I didn't." Brett said, trying to sound interested. "Something about Travolta has always felt trustworthy. I think it's his chin."

"Oh yeah, he's totally got street cred. He's also the on the Blue Echelon!"

"Oh yeah, right right." Brett said hoping he was sounding enthusiastic. It's like his brain doesn't work right.

"Anyway, the movie is based on his real life experience. You'll love it!"

"Hey Ben," Kenneth interjected, "Brett needs his rest, we better let him get back to sleep."

"Okay, sure." Ben said, looking pouty and dejected.

As the door shut behind Ben, Brett thought he could hear Kenneth muttering, "Angels and ministers of grace defend us. I hope you taste better than you smell. Ugh, powder fresh."

Kenneth reentered the room. "Man! What a fruit cake! Lady Speedstick needs to take a shower and lay off the crazy juice, eh?"

Brett frowned in confusion as the drugs took his consciousness and he slipped away into uncomfortable dreams.

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